octobre 12, 2011


GA, Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee)
Question of Western Sahara: Draft resolution A/C.4/66/L.5
The Question of Western Sahara and the Natural Resources of the Territory, Professor Jeffrey Smith, Ottawa, Canada, Western Sahara Resource Watch
Petition of the International Platform of Jurists for East Timor / Stichting Zelfbeschikking West-Sahara to the UN IV Committee, Pedro Pinto Leite
Actor Bardem to plead for Western Sahara at UN, Reuters 05.10.11
Follow the sessions by the Press Releases
GA/SPD/479, 04.10.11
GA/SPD/479/Corr. 1
GA/SPD/480 , 05.10.11
GA/SPD/481, 06.10.11
GA/SPD/482, 10.10.11

AG, Commission des questions politiques spéciales et de la décolonisation (Quatrième Commission)
Question du Sahara occidental: Projet de résolution A/C.4/66/L.5
Le détail des séances par les communiqués de presse:
CPSD/479/Rev.1* , 04.10.11
CPSD/480. 05.10.11
CPSD/481, 06.10.11
CPSD/482, 10.10.11

AG, Comisión Política Especial y de Descolonización (Cuarta Comisión)
Cuestión del Sáhara Occidental: Proyecto de resolución A/C.4/66/L.5
Javier Bardem en la ONU, Minuto digital, 06.10.11
Más informaciones por Sahara Press Service

